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Scovia's family has a home! [South Sudan / Uganda]

Scovia (center) with her parents and the start of their home in the background
Scovia (center) with her parents and the start of their home in the background

Scovia and her family have been living in a refugee camp ever since their forced removal from South Sudan. Oryem sent me this email sharing of their miracle!

Dear Destiny,

How are you doing today? Like I told you last time, Scovia’s mother invited me to their currently new temporary home in Uganda. The reason for her invitation was to let me know the location of their new home, and to know other family members, together with the friend who offered them a land for temporary settlement.

Scovia’s mum has been hawking [wares] in Nimule (Uganda-Southern Sudan border) District to help acquire some money to cater for other fees for Scovia. This has not been easy since she had to rent a house to stay in, while in Uganda. Her colleague and friend offered them a small piece of land (Approximately 30X40mtrs), so they can construct their “Ot Lum” local name for Grass thatched House.

Scovia and her mother
Scovia and her mother

As you will see in the attached photos, there are some bundled dry “spear grasses” (Lum Obiya) that has been cut from the Bush using a Sickle, to thatch a hut. (You will also see a round mud and wattle wall). That is exactly where Monica and Mum will be staying while they are still in Uganda. About 70% of people in Gulu still live in grass thatched houses, including me.

In the short video clip, you will see the close up of the mud and wattle wall and the surrounding of their new home. You will also see Scovia seated with her brother, standing her mother and Step Dad.

The old man in Blue Trousers and the Old woman with yellowish Beads Necklace are the friends who offered them the land. May God bless them.

The children you see in the video are for the family who offered them the land.

It was an exciting moment with everybody. I had to take time and take photos with everyone as all of them wanted a photo shot with me.

Oryem, Scovia (center) and her brother, along with the older couple who offered them a bit of land to live on
Oryem, Scovia (center) and her brother, along with the older couple who offered them a bit of land to live on

They appreciated The Deaf Dream so much for their decision towards sponsoring Scovia.

Everyone wanted to see your photos. I had download one of your photos to show them. In one of the Photos, you will see the old man trying to pick my phone from Scovia to see your photo.

They blessed you through the Photo. They also asked God to bless you for your great work.

They even paid for my return transport.

I pray that one day you have the chance to come to Uganda and you experience such moments in person. Thank you and good evening!

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