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Introducing Jennifer from Ghana (Deaf Dreamer #13!)

Jennifer is following in Victoria's footsteps (Deaf Dreamer #2) to become a teacher of the Deaf in Ghana!

Victoria's mentor, Emmanuel, recommended her for the scholarship. He explained that Jennifer's father passed away in 2018 and her single mother is now the sole bread-winner for three children. Jennifer wrote me saying, "My dad passed away two years ago so my mum is a single parent and she has three children, a trader of second hand clothing and always tried to take care of us (children). Sometimes, she felt sick and hard to get the money to take care of us. I plead you to support...further education completely so that I would be able to earn a living."

Upon receiving her scholarship and starting school at the Presbyterian College of Education, Victoria sent us this letter:

After her first term, she sent us a beautiful thank you video! You can SEE her growing confidence and hope for the future! The transcript of what she is signing is written below:

"Dear Destiny and all my Sponsors. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you, Destiny and all my Sponsors. You have the biggest heart by showing me your sincere kindness and encouragement to pursue my dream, even though we are having challenges with COVID-19. Dr Aggrey, a Ghanaian said "If you educate a man, you educate an individual, but if you educate a woman, you educate a nation." This means that through your efforts I will be able to complete my training to help other deaf who could not get this opportunity. Thank you my sponsors for touching lives and changing lives in our society. I promise to learn hard to make you all proud. All that you are doing for me will not be in vain. I value all the monies that you are paying for me. I love you so much. God richly bless you."

Thank you again for your donations to support Deaf Dreamers like Jennifer. What a miracle to associate with these uplifting leaders and see their impact on their countries and communities!

With gratitude,


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